
ayahuascaAyahuasca Preparation Group
When: Wednesdays, Feb 13th and 27th at 7:30pm
Where: Swiftwind Therapy, 45 Carey Ave., Suite 114, Butler, NJ
Suggested Donation: $20

Ayahuasca, known as “The Vine of the Soul”, is a sacred plant medicine that, when combined with prayer and ceremony, can create deeply profound healing affects physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

All group sessions will be working solely with the Spirit of Ayahuasca to deepen or initiate a healing process in direct relation with your specific intentions in accordance with Divine Will.

RSVP to Denise Saracco at or 862-268-3213.

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Shamanic Drum Circle
When: Sunday, February 24th at 6:00pm
Where: Swiftwind Therapy, 45 Carey Ave., Suite 114, Butler, NJ
Suggested Donation: $20

Explore the ancient way of the Shaman! We will engage Spirit and all the facets of the Divine including Animal Totems, Ancestors, Galactic Wisdom Keepers, Spirit Guides, Angelic Beings, Ascended Masters and more to receive their guidance, wisdom, and healing.  Each circle will open a sacred space for everyone to connect with their personal team of Spirit Helpers of Love via a shamanic journey.  This circle is open to All.

Please bring small pillows/yoga mats, notebook, and pen. If you have a picture of a loved one who has crossed over, please feel free to bring it for the altar.

RSVP to Denise Saracco at or 862-268-3213.

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Healing Circle
When: Thursday, February 28th at 7:30pm
Where: Swiftwind Therapy, 45 Carey Ave., Suite 114, Butler, NJ
Suggested Donation: $30

For those who are in need of healing physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually, this circle is for you!  We will welcome the doctoring spirits to come and work with each participant.  A variety of Divinely-inspired healing ways will be used as called for each person depending on your specific needs.  These healing ways include Shamanic Healing, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Sound Healing, the use of sacred herbs, drum medicine, and more.  Allow your stress, tension, worry, and fear to melt away as you engage in the Great Mystery to restore your balance.  Reacquaint yourself with comfort, serenity, Harmony, and Love once again.

Please bring a pillow and blanket to lay on for your comfort, a notebook/pen to journal your experience and/or message(s) received, and your Divine Self.  RSVP to Denise Saracco at or 862-268-3213.

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